Medie Encoder
Startside Opp Producer Medie Encoder Podcast i underv. Camtasia Studio Screencast programmer


Windows Media Encoder - Et verktøy for sende "live" film og lyd på Internett, Konvertere filer til filformatet WMV/WMA, eller "filme" (Screen capture) skjermen mens man kan legge på en lydkommentar.

Dette sier Microsoft selv om Windows Media Encoder 9 Series

Windows Media Encoder 9 Series   Windows Media Encoder 9 Series is a powerful tool for content producers who want to capture audio and video content using the many innovations in Windows Media 9 Series including high-quality multichannel sound, high-definition video quality, support for mixed-mode voice and music content, and more. Choose from 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the encoder.

Windows Media Encoder 9 Series

Download Now  9,450 KB    44 min @ 28.8 Kbps

Windows Media Encoder x64 Edition 9 Series

Download Now  12,708 KB    59 min @ 28.8 Kbps

More Control and Flexibility Comparing 32-bit and 64-bit Encoder Versions
Review the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the encoder and decide which version is right for you.
More Control and Flexibility More Control and Flexibility
Capture content with frame-accurate control. Protect live streams and initiate broadcasts. Author for a range of delivery scenarios including MBR streaming and CD/DVD.
Unmatched Audio and Video Quality Unmatched Audio and Video Quality
Create the clearest audio from multichannel to voice-only content. Encode to any level from HD quality (1080i/1080p) to low-data-rate screen capture. Fine-tune compression using new encoding modes.
Extensibility and Automation Extensibility and Automation
Extend the functionality of the encoder. Fully automate the encoding process. Includes 4 new utilities.

An example of how customers are benefiting today, the Inscriber Instream Plug-in for Windows Media Encoder 9 Series offers content creators professional graphics and text integration.
Learn more and download the plug-in
How-to for Content Producers How-to for Content Producers
Find technical articles and rich-media presentations to help you use the encoder to create Windows Media-formatted content.
FAQ System Requirements
Review required and recommended configurations for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Media Encoder 9 Series.
Refer to the Encoder 9 Series FAQ for important information about key issues.